DREAM Lunar and Planetary Science Academy internship summer program        August 10, 2011

Several members of the DREAM team served as mentors this summer to interns who were at GSFC to take part in the Lunar and Planetary Science Academy (LPSA; http://science.gsfc.nasa.gov/690/LPSA/. Michael Collier mentored Mindy Krzykowsi (U. Alaska) on a research project titled "identifying and characterizing VXB Events from the Apollo 14 SIDE Experiment." Timothy Stubbs served as a mentor for Matthew Galiach (California State U., Pomona) for the project "Investigating the effects of lunar topography on surface charging and dust transport processes using data from the LRO mission." Rosemary Killen mentored Fred Moxley III (LA Tech U.) on a project titled " Modeling the migration of mercury on the lunar surface." And last, Michael Zimmerman mentored Jacob Wolf (Dartmouth College) on the project "Simulating the electrical environment near lunar topographic features using the surface charging code NASCAP-2K." In addition to working on their research projects, the LPSA interns went on a field trip to the Channeled Scablands in Washington, a possible terrestrial analog for Martes Valles, Mars. The interns also shared their experiences at a teacher's workshop as part of an outreach effort.

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