Dynamic Response of the Environment At the Moon

DREAM's first year of activity presented to the NLSI Executive Committee        Mar 1 2010


DREAM has completed its initial year of study of the neutral-plasma-dust environment of the Moon. Highlights include ground based telescopic studies of the LCROSS impact, modeling of this impact and neutral gas plume, demonstrating ion control of the lunar sodium exosphere, development of plasma simulations of the Moon's interaction with the solar wind, a description of the electrical environment expected within polar craters, and a prediction of the gas and dust horizon glow expected from orbital view.

Team members are actively involved in ongoing missions, including Kaguya, LCROSS, and LRO, and are supporting upcoming missions like LADEE. During its initial year, DREAM team members also continued to work closely with dust experts in the Exploration Technology Development Program in furthering the understanding of the dusty plasma surface environment.

Outreach efforts include participation in numerous public events like Maryland Day 2009 and Moonfest at Ames Research Center, and providing advocacy for lunar science both in public and scientific forums.

Details of DREAM's first year accomplishments can be found in the executive summary of its annual report Download PDF

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