Dr. Andrew Poppe, future DREAM/UCB postdoc, wind AGU Outstanding Student Paper Award        May 9, 2011


Dr. Andrew Poppe, future DREAM/UCB postdoc, wins AGU Outstanding Student Paper Award.

Dr. Andrew Poppe of the University of Colorado was the recent recipient of AGU's Outstanding Student Paper Award at the 2010 AGU fall meeting for his work on simulating the lunar dayside photoelectron sheath. This June, Andrew is joining the DREAM team as a post doc at UCB. His paper from last December's AGU meeting, "Non-monotonic potentials above the lunar surface: implications for electron reflectivity measurements," was judged to be Outstanding by the Planetary Sciences section of the American Geophysical Union. Only a handful of planetary papers were as highly thought of. We congratulate Andrew, his advisor and Colorado Center for Lunar Dust and Atmospheric Studies (CCLDAS) leader Mihaly Horanyi, and look forward to many continued fruitful DREAM/CCLDAS collaborations.

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