Dates: Oct 10-12, 2012
All are invited to attend this workshop.
Keynote Speakers
Topics for the Workshop:
- Science questions to be addressed in the next decade and beyond (short keynote type presentations)
- Reviews of instruments on past missions - lessons learned and vision for what is needed on next generation of instruments (invited papers).
- Instrumentation for descent probes (Saturn, Uranus, ...)
- Instrumentation for in-situ analysis missions (Venus in-situ Explorer, Titan, ...)
- Instrumentation for next generation orbiters (Io, Reformulated Mars program missions, TGO/ExoMars, JEO de-scoped, Enceladus, Trojan Tour and Rendezvous, ESA/JUICE, ...)
- Technology for in-situ analysis and sample return (Lunar, Mars, Comet surface, NEOs, ...)
- Instruments on future Mars landers (ExoMars, Mars Sample Return, ...)
- Imaging, cooling, readout and on-board processing technology for future planetary missions
- Electronics for extreme environments (temperature and radiation)
- Human space flight missions to planetary targets (beyond low Earth orbit) with science outcomes (NEO, Mars)
The objective is to have a broad canvas of instrumentation and technology available to
'Decadal Survey' missions and those further out. It is also meant to be a forum of collaboration, exchange
and discussions where science questions, and the technology needed to address them, are discussed.