Human space flight missions to planetary targets (beyond LEO) with science outcomes
GeoLab . A Habitat-Based Geoscience Laboratory for Human Exploration Missions Evans C. A, Calaway M. J., Bell M. S.
GeoLab is a habitat-based laboratory developed to test preliminary examination procedures during analog missions simulating human exploration of planetary surfaces. It can be configured with different instruments.
Instruments Needed for a Human Exploration Mission of Phobos and Deimos Lewis R. , Castillo-Rogez J. C,. Abell P. A,. Bass D. S., Beaty D. W., Colaprete A., Hoffman S. J. ,Mazanek D. D.
The National Aeronautics and Space Administration developed a mission concept to assess a notional human mission to Phobos and Deimos. The presentation focuses on hand-held and longer-duration instrumentation that could be used on the surface.
Improved Dust Detectors and Analyzers for Planetary Missions Sternovsky Z., Horanyi M., Gruen E., Auer S., Kempf S., Drake K., O.Brien L., Xie J,. Srama R., Mocker A., Postberg F.
This presentation is a review of the capabilities of modern dust instruments and their applications in future planetary missions.
Electrostatic Charing Hazards Originating from the Surface (ECHOS) of Mars with Applications to Other Surface/Atmosphere Interfaces Farrell W.M., Marshall J.R., Delory G.T.
We describe an instrument that senses meteorologically driven atmospheric electricity at Mars. Such electricity is an energy source that can create a harsh electrochemical environment and has been suggested to form intense discharges.
Mars Acoustic Anemometer Banfield D., Dissly R. W.
We present a high performance Mars wind gauge, with great scientific and strategic reasons to be on all future Mars landers. We discuss our recent validation of a TRL 5 version of this instrument and its flight configuration resource requirements.