Workshop Format and Themes

Participation in this workshop will be space-limited and requires submission of an abstract. Not all abstracts will be able to be given as an oral or poster presentation. All abstracts will be posted to the workshop website and used in the development of the workshop report. Oral sessions will be livestreamed so that community members unable to attend the workshop can participate. PDFs of poster presentations will be posted on the workshop website.

The workshop program will include five half-day sessions with no parallel sessions. There will be two poster sessions, one each on Monday and Tuesday evening. The half-day sessions will each include an invited plenary talk, followed by a series of invited and contributed oral presentations, and a panel discussion. The afternoon sessions will provide time for brief one-slide introductions to the evening posters.

There are five basic themes of the workshop that form the basis of each of the half-day sessions. These take the current planetary science goals articulated below and develop a vision of where they might go in the coming three decades:

  • ORIGINS — understanding formation and evolution of solar systems (including exoplanetary systems)
  • WORKINGS — understanding how the processes in our solar system operate, interact, and evolve
  • LIFE — improve our understanding of the origin and evolution of life, including Earth analogs, to guide our search for life elsewhere
  • THREATS AND RESOURCES — identify and characterize objects that pose threats to Earth or offer resources for human exploration
  • OTHER — other thoughts about where we might be in three decades that are not captured above (e.g., terraforming)