Dynamic Response of the Environment At the Moon

Picture of Richard Hodges

Richard Hodges

1. What is your role on the DREAM team?

Computer simulations of the lunar atmosphere that incorporate relevant solar processes and surface physics.

2. What about DREAM do you find most interesting? Most challenging?

I enjoy interacting with people who have different perspectives.

3. What other NASA programs or missions have you participated in?

Apollo 15 and 16 Lunar Orbit Science Team (LOST)
Apollo 17 Lunar Surface Experiment Package Team (ALSEP)
Post-Apollo Lunar Data Synthesis Program
Pioneer Venus
Mars 96
Various sounding rocket, theoretical, and interdisciplinary studies

4. What kind/level of education do you have?


5. What advice do you have for students who want to work for NASA or on NASA-related research?

Be skeptical, question everything.

6. What are your favorite things to do outside of work?

Ski, sail, bike, hike.
