Logistical Details for September 26th Cubesat Symposium
September 26, 2017
Sponsored by PCSI, the Planetary CubeSat Science Institute
NASA Goddard Space Flight Center
Building 36
Plan to arrive at the NASA Main Gate (Building 9) between 730 and 800 AM if you are a visitor and collecting a badge. Park in the visitor lot outside the gate and proceed inside the reception building to collect your badge. Photo ID is required for US citizens and non-citizens. Non-citizens should bring a passport. The Symposium is taking place in the Obenschain Auditorium on the second floor of Building 36 (See map). After collecting your badge you can return to your car and drive to Building 36, showing your badge and photo ID to the guard at the gate. Park in any nearby parking lot, except for marked reserved or disabled spaces. Coffee will be available prior to the start of the Symposium at 800-830 outside the room.

The technical program is posted on the website:
and printed programs will be available. Breaks will take place in the morning (1030-1045), lunchtime (1215-1330) and afternoon (1500-1530). Light refreshments will be provided in morning and afternoon. Attendees may purchase lunch in one of Goddard’s several nearby cafeterias – directions will be provided.
Oral talks
Oral talks are all 15 mins in length except where otherwise indicated in the program for the opening keynote address. A laptop computer will be provided for presentations. Presenters will not be permitted to use their own computers to present, to avoid lengthy hand-overs between talks, unless exception circumstances apply. If you need to use your own computer (e.g. due to a need for custom display software) please contact the organizers – your talk may be moved to the end of the session in this case. Please bring your talk on a USB memory stick to the front of the room between 800-830 for uploading and checking/testing, or preferably send by e-mail by end of day September 25th to conor.a.nixon@nasa.gov. Presentations should be designed either as PowerPoint (PPTX), or provided as PDF files if designed using other software. After the event, talks will be uploaded to the website, unless the presenter requests otherwise. Speakers will be given 12 mins for each talk, followed by 3 mins for changeover. Questions will be taken at the end of each session.
Posters will be presented on free-standing easels, on 36"x48" backing boards. Foam-core backing boards will be provided to poster presenters, along with attachment pins or clips. Poster presenters who are requesting a table to show hardware or set-up a laptop, and/or electrical connections, should e-mail timothy.j.stubbs@nasa.gov to make arrangements by September 21st.
Recording policy
No recording of talks or taking of pictures will be permitted during the oral sessions. Attendees are encouraged to discuss with the speakers during the breaks if they have requests for electronic copies of any presented materials. Photography of posters must be with permission of the poster presenter.