CUVE: CubeSat UV Experiment
Valeria Cottini, University of Maryland, NASA/GSFC Planetary Systems Laboratory
Co-Is (alphabetical):
S. Aslam, N. Gorius, T. Hewagama, G. Piccioni

CUVE is a 12U high-altitude orbiter in a polar orbit around Venus. It is a targeted mission, with a dedicated science payload and a compact spacecraft bus capable of interplanetary flight independently or as a ride-share with another mission to Venus or to a different target.
CUVE Payload includes:
- 190-380 nm high resolution spectrometer
- 320-520 nm contextual imaging spectrometer
CUVE Science Objectives are: insights on the nature of the "Unknown" UV-absorber; the abundances and distributions of SO2 and SO at and above Venus's cloud tops and correlation with the UV absorber; atmospheric dynamics at the cloud tops; and structure of upper clouds and wind measurements from cloud-tracking and nightglow emissions: NO, CO, O2.
Recent News
- On September 26th, the 2nd Planetary CubeSat Science Symposium was held at NASA GSFC, attended by over 100 scientists and engineers. Three sessions of oral talks covered: flight opportunities and programmatics; mission concepts; and hardware systems including buses, propulsion, communications and instrumentation. There was lively Q&A periods at the end of each session, and an afternoon poster session that gave mission proposers the opportunity to meet with vendors and suppliers. Presentations and posters have now been posted.
- Registration for the 2nd Planetary CubeSat Science Symposium, September 26, 2017, is now closed.
Upcoming events
- Small Sat Symposium, Silicon Valley, Feb 5-7, 2018
- All events