DREAM2 Recruiting Trip To Howard University
December 2, 2015

DREAM2 team members Lora Bleacher, Tim Stubbs, Bill Farrell and Howard University Professor Prabhakar Misra met with students in the Department of Physics and Astronomy to advertise NASA Summer Internships (see
http://intern.nasa.gov). After meeting with the students, they presented a seminar on 'Solar wind and its effect on exposed surfaces at the Moon and other airless bodies' at the weekly Department seminar series.
DREAM2’s Lora Bleacher wins a Robert H. Goddard Award
November 16, 2015

DREAM2 E/PO lead Lora Bleacher was a recent recipient of a 2015 Robert H. Goddard award for exceptional achievement for outreach. Lora has been leading the DREAM and DREAM2 education and communication efforts since 2008. She has lead our Lunar Extreme Workshops featuring high school student participation from around the country and is now leading DREAM2 undergraduate intern activity and DREAM2Explore teacher workshops. Congratulations!
DREAM2 co-I Prabhakar Misra elected a Fellow of the APS
October 14, 2015

We are very pleased to announce that our DREAM2 co-i and dear colleague Prof. Prabhakar Misra at Howard U. was just recently elected a Fellow of the American Physical Society (APS). Congratulations!
DREAM2 Scientists to further develop a lunar hydrogen exosphere CubeSat mission
September 23, 2015
DREAM2's Mike Collier led a multi-institutional team including key expert partners from University of Iowa, Morehead State University, JPL, and George Washington University on the Hydrogen Albedo Lunar Orbiter (HALO) CubeSat mission concept. The concept was recently awarded development funding under NASA's SIMPLEx program. More details regarding HALO and other Cubesat missions funded under SIMPLEx can be found at:
SSERVI-Central website: The Need for Conductive Space Suits
September 14, 2015
DREAM2 studies are featured in a SSERVI-central web article on the need for conducting space suits. The DREAM2 team studies suggest a walking astronaut and moving rover are better grounded (in an electrical sense) to the plasma than to the regolith, and increasing conductivity of the space suit ensures a good current flow - a good electrical connection - from the plasma to the roving object.
DREAM2 Interns win the John Mather Nobel Scholars AwardAugust 04, 2015
DREAM2 interns Anastasia Newheart of St. Mary’s College and Keenan Hunt-Stone of Howard University were each awarded the 2015 John Mather Nobel Scholars award for their science work during their summer internship. Congratulations!
All the DREAM2 interns have been on the frontiers of space environmental science studies and will give their summer ending presentations on Thursday August 6 2015 at 1:00 pm, GSFC bldg. 34 room W305.
DREAM2’s Heidi Fuqua wins Outstanding Student Poster Award at ESFJuly 28, 2015
UCB Graduate Student and DREAM2 team member Heidi Fuqua won the Outstanding Poster presentation at the Exploration Science Forum. The poster was entitled ‘Isolating electromagnetic induction from the lunar interior measured with ARTEMIS’. Heidi’s advisor is Prof. Imke dePater and she did this latest work in collaboration with Greg Delory and Shahab Fatemi. Congratulations!
DREAM2 prepares for the SSERVI Exploration Science ForumJuly 14, 2015

Next week, DREAM2 team scientist will be participating in the SSERVI Exploration Science Forum held at NASA Ames Research Center. DREAM2 scientists are leading over 15 presentations, and are chairing numerous sessions.
See the agenda at:
DREAM2Explore Educator WorkshopJune 22, 2015
The DREAM2 Team extends a warm welcome to the 25 teachers who will be joining us at Goddard from June 22-26 for the DREAM2Explore Workshop! This educator professional development workshop will focus on how our understanding of the Moon, asteroids, and the moons of Mars is growing and changing with new data from current and recent missions and modeling efforts led by the DREAM2 team. We'll also talk about NASA's plans for exploring asteroids in preparation for a human journey to Mars. We look forward to working with you this week!
'Friends of Lunar Volatiles' Special Issue in Icarus is now releasedMay 27, 2015
A dedicated issue on the lunar volatile environment is now published in Icarus. DREAM2 co-I Dana Hurley was one of the editors. The special issue includes 18 papers on the latest studies of volatiles at the Moon, with applications to asteroids. See:
NewScientist article features LADEE dust observationsApril 28, 2015
DREAM2 scientists describe LADEE results on an unexpected lunar tail – of nanograins.
DREAM2 Co-I is part of Lunar IceCube mission for EM-1 Launch April 7, 2015
NASA has selected a lunar surface volatile cubesat mission called 'IceCube' lead by Morehead State University as one of HEOMD's NextSTEP program partnerships. The cubesat spacecraft will be launched to the Moon as part of the EM-1 mission onboard the SLS heavy-lift launch vehicle and will be subsequently deployed for lunar capture. DREAM2 Co-I Pamela Clark is a science lead and the mission with fly a GSFC-built IR system for identifying surface volatile content.
DREAM2 Program Year 1 Annual Report Feb 26, 2015
The DREAM2 team report outlining the team's science and communication activity in program Year 1 is found here (in PDF). This report was sent to SSERVI-Central and to HQ.
Opportunities for DREAM2 Summer Internships at NASA Goddard Jan 23, 2015
Internship opportunities are available for undergraduate students to work with DREAM2 scientists at
NASA Goddard. Research projects include modeling lunar surface material defects and hydrogen
implantation, laboratory research into lunar chemistry, designing deep space Cubesat mission concepts, and using Apollo data to characterize the lunar environment. Applications are due by March 1, 2015.
Internships run for 10 weeks, beginning in early June. Use the keyword "dream" to search for DREAM2
opportunities via the following link:
Recent DREAM2 results presented at SSERVI Director's Seminar Jan 21, 2015
An overview of DREAM2 results was recently presented at NASA Headquarters by DREAM2 PI Bill Farrell. Examples of DREAM2's science
and exploration integration were shown, including recent work by the team on plasma-related differential charging of human systems
at the Moon and asteroids, interaction of an outgassing spacecraft to a nearby small airless body, and allowable astronaut days in
the space radiation environment.
To get a copy of the viewgraphs or watch a replay of the talk, see
DREAM2 Intern Opportunities at UC Berkeley Jan 8, 2015
DREAM2 academic partner University of California at Berkeley has undergraduate intern opportunities
to work on DREAM2 space environment projects at the Berkeley location. Application deadline is 2/15.
For more information, contact Andrew Poppe (poppe@ssl.berkeley.edu) and see
DREAM2 Scientist sees effect of meteor showers in Mercury's Exosphere Dec 12, 2014
DREAM2's Rosemary Killen and colleague Joe Hahn reports on a periodic surge of calcium atoms in the
exosphere of Mercury as tracing back to impacts by meteor streams possibly associated with comet Encke.
The press release is found at:
and the accepted science paper in Incarus is at:
DREAM2 Scientist Hurley: 'Women Count' Nov 17, 2014
DREAM2 scientist Dana Hurley presents a thoughtful essay on the selection and advancement of women in science published in AGU's journal, EOS. See
DREAM2 Featured in Colloquium at Howard University Nov 5, 2014
Bill Farrell (DREAM2 PI) presented an overview of DREAM2.s modeling and research efforts to
students and faculty in the Department of Physics and Astronomy at Howard University on
October 29. Lora Bleacher (Education Lead) also presented opportunities for students to
get involved in DREAM2 research via undergraduate internships and outreach. The abstract
and presentation can be found at http://physics1.howard.edu/news/news_seminars14.html.
2014 DREAM News