Instruments for in situ analysis Missions (Sessions 1, 2, 3, and 4)
Technology Development for the Whipple Mission Concept . Present Status and Future Work Kraft R. P., Kenter A. T., Alcock C. R., Murray S. S., Gauron T. M., Loose M., Werner M.
The Whipple mission was proposed to the 2010 Discovery program and funded for technology development. Whipple will conduct the first direct study of the outer solar system using a blind occultation survey. We discuss the status of our project. .
Mercury Dust Monitor for the BepiColombo MMO Kobayashi M., Shibata H., Nogami K., Fujii M., Miyachi T., Ohashi H., Sasaki S., Iwai T., Hattori M., Kimura H., Hirai T., Takechi S., Yano H., Hasegawa S., Srama R., Grün E.
Mercury Dust Monitor (MDM) onboard the Mercury Magnetosphere Orbiter (MMO) will observe dust particles in orbit around Mercury during 1 year as nominal operation. In this paper, we report an overview of our instrument onboard the Bepi-Colombo MMO. .
The OVIRS Visible/IR Spectrometer on the OSIRIS-Rex Mission Reuter D. C., Simon-Miller A. A.
This paper describes the OSIRIS-REx Visible and Infrared Spectrometer (OVIRS), a 0.4 to 4.3 .m point spectrometer on the the OSIRIS-REx (Origins Spectral Interpretation Resource Identification Security Regolith Explorer) mission. .
Telephoto Reconnaissance Imaging for Lunar Rover Applications Robinson M. S., Ravine M. A.
We propose a robust camera, FARCAM, to provide critical exploration and operational support to a future lunar rover. To minimize cost and development risk FARCAM is derived from the MSL Mastcam
instrument, modified to meet lunar requirements..
Development of a Compact, Deep-Penetrating Heat Flow Instrument for Lunar Landers: In-Situ Thermal Conductivity System Nagihara S., Zacny K., Hedlund M. ,Taylor P. T.
We report progress in our efforts to develop a compact lunar heat flow instrumentation. For this presentation, we focus on the in situ thermal conductivity measurement system that is a part of the new instrumentation. .
MP3 . A Meteorology and Physical Properties Package for Titan Air-Sea StudiesLorenz R. D., Stofan E., Lunine J. I., Zarnecki J. C. ,Harri A.-M., Karkoschka E., Newman C. E., Bierhaus E. B., Clark B. C., Yelland M., Leese M. R., Boldt J., Darlington E., Neish C. D., Sotzen K., Arvelo J., Rasbach C., Kretsch W., Strohbehn K., Grey M., Mann J., Zimmerman H., Reed C.
MP3 is a sensor suite for the proposed Titan Mare Explorer (TiME) Discovery mission to Ligeia Mare. MP3 will measure temperatures, and wind velocity, methane humidity, and pressure, as well as sea turbidity, dielectric properties, and depth via sonar. .
Miniature Spectrometer for Detection of Organics and Identification of their Mineral ContextChanover N. J., Glenar D. A., Uckert K., Voelz D. G., Xiao X., Tawalbeh R., Boston P., Brinckerhoff W., Getty S., Mahaffy P.
We describe an acousto-optic tunable filter point spectrometer that spans .m, designed to identify minerals associated with aqueous environments at sample scales of ~ 1 mm, as well as organics and volatiles. .
Laser Time-of-Flight Mass Spectrometry for Future in Situ Planetary Missions Getty S.A., Brinkerhoff W.B., Cornish T., Ecelberger S.A., Li X., Merrill Floyd M.A., Chanover N., Uckert K., Voelz D., Xiao X., Tawalbeh R., Glenar D., Elsila J.E., Callahan M.
We describe a 5-kg-class laser desorption/ionization time-of-flight mass spectrometer that is capable of detecting and analyzing a variety of nonvolatile analytes, both inorganic and organic, up to 150,000 Da, directly from rock or ice samples.
Titan Saturn System Mission Instrumentation Coustenis A. , Lunine J., Reh K,. Lebreton J.-P., Erd C., Beauchamp P., Matson D.
The Titan Saturn System Mission (TSSM), another future mission proposed for Titan.s exploration, includes an orbiter and two in situ elements: a hot-air balloon and a lake lander. The instrumentation of those two elements will be presented. .
A High-Resolution, Multipass Time-of-Flight Mass Spectrometer for Investigation of Elemental, Isotopic and Molecular Compositions Miller G. P., Waite J. H., Young D. T.
We report on the development of a third-generation, small, rugged, high-resolution, high mass range, time-of-flight mass spectrometer utilizing a folded ion optical path.
A New Approach to In-Situ K-Ar Geochronology Hurowitz J.A.,Farley K.A., Jacobson N.S., Asimov P.D., Cartwright J.A., Eiler J.M., Rossman G.R., Waltenberg K.
A new technique has been developed for in situ K-Ar geochronology missions. Flux digestion and double-isotope spiking significantly improve ease of measurement. High-precision in situ K-Ar measurements are within reach using current flight hardware.
Development of the Potassium-Argon Laser Experiment (KArLE) Instrument for In Situ Geochronology Cohen B. A. , Li Z.-H., Miller J. S., Brinckerhoff W. B., Clegg S. M., Mahaffy P. R., Swindle T. D., Wiens R. C.
We are developing a capability to make in situ geochronology measurements using existing, flight-heritage components. Our goal is to determine the age of planetary samples to ±100 m.y., sufficient to address a wide range of high-priority science.
Multi-Dimensional Life Detection Waite J. H. Jr., Libardoni M.
We report a combination of techniques when used in parallel provide a triple coincidence means of finding astrobiological samples beyond Earth.
Development of a High Temperature Venus Seismometer and Extreme Environment Hunter G.W., Ponchak G.E., Dyson R.W., Behiem G.M., Scardelletti M.C., Meredith R.D., Taylor B., Beard S., Kiefer W.S.
This paper describes efforts to design, fabricate, and demonstrate a proof-of-concept seismometer operating at Venus temperatures, and describes test capabilities being developed to evaluate this and other instruments in Venus relevant conditions.
Planetary In Situ Capillary Electrophoresis System (PISCES) Willis P. A., Stockton A. M., Mora M. F., Cable M. L., Bramall N. E., Jensen E. C., Jiao H., Lynch E., Mathies R. A.
We propose to develop PISCES, a 3-kg, 2W, flight-capable microfluidic lab-on-a-chip capillary electrophoresis analyzer capable of ingesting solid, liquid, or gas samples and performing a suite of chemical analyses with parts per trillion sensitivity.
Precision Subsampling System for Mars Surface Missions Brinckerhoff W. B., Paulsen G., Mellerowicz B., ten Kate I. L., Zacny K., Conrad P., Corrigan C. M., Li X., Georgieva E., Mahaffy P. R.
We have developed a precision subsampling system (PSS) that addresses the need for precise chemical analysis while remaining relatively flexible to a variety of instruments that may take advantage of the capability on future missions.
GaN-Based Detector Enabling Technology for Next Generation Ultraviolet Planetary Missions Aslam S., Gronoff G., Hewagama T., Janz S., Kotecki C.
This paper describes efforts at Goddard, NASA, to develop ternary alloy AlN-GaN-InN large format UV imaging arrays, responsive in the 280- to 480-nm spectral region, for integration onto future planetary UV spectroscopic instrumentation.
Sample Acquisition, Processing, and Transfer Enabling In-Situ Planetary Missions Zacny K., Paulsen G., Craft J.
This is a review of various drilling, excavation, sample acquisition, processing, and transfer technologies developed by Honeybee Robotics over the past 20 years.
Rock Core Capture and Caching Technique Myrick T. M., Pham T. T., Kalanick M. F.
We present a mechanically simplified, low technical risk system for acquiring and caching rock core and regolith samples and performing other scientific tasks. The flexibility of tasks without additional motors or mechanisms is a key development.
Reflectance Conversion Methods for the VIS/NIR Imaging Spectrometer (VNIS) Aboard the Chang.E-3 Lunar Rover: A Preliminary Investigation Liu B., Liu J. Z., Zhang G. L., Ling Z. C., Zhang J., He Z. P., Yang B. Y.
A VIS/NIR imaging spectrometer (VNIS) will be firstly carried on the CE-3 lunar rover to detect lunar minerals and resources distribution. We proposed VNIS. in situ detection reflectance conversion method and validated its suitability.
The Multispectral Microscopic Imager: A Compact, Contact Instrument for the In Situ Petrologic Exploration of Planetary Surfaces Núñez J. I., Farmer J. D., Sellar R. g.
The Multispectral Microscopic Imager provides crucial in situ petrologic information for exploring the Moon, Mars, and other planetary surfaces, with only MER-class resource requirements in mass, cost, and complexity.
APXS on Mars Science Laboratory . First Results from Post-Landing Checkout Dickinson C. S., Gellert R., Dietrich P., Hiemstra D.
The Alpha Particle X-ray Spectrometer (APXS) is the Canadian payload contribution to the Mars Science Laboratory mission, and will analyze the chemistry of martian materials at Gale Crater. Checkout results and preliminary findings will be presented.
MIMOS IIA - A Combined Mössbauer and X-Ray Fluorescence Spectrometer for the In-Situ Analysis of the Moon, Mars, Asteroids and Other Planetary Bodies Klingelhöfer G., Schröder C. ,Blumers M. ,Morris R. V., Bernhardt B., Brückner J., Lechner P.
MIMOS IIa is a combined Mössbauer and XRF spectrometer for in situ analysis of mineralogy, oxidation states, and chemical composition. The precursor instruments Mössbauer MIMOS II and APXS have flight heritage, e.g., MER or Rosetta. MIMOS IIa has TRL 5.8.
High Sensitivity Subsurface Elemental Composition Measurements with PING Parsons A. M., Bodnarik J. G., Evans L. G., McClanahan T. P., Namkung M., Nowicki S. F., Schweitzer J. S., Starr R. D., Trombka J. I.
The Probing In situ with Neutrons and Gamma rays (PING) instrument, with its PNG and gamma and neutron spectrometers, is a promising technology for measuring the bulk elemental composition of the subsurface of any rocky body in the solar system.
Development of a Laser Ablation Isochron K-Ar Dating Instrument for Landing Planetary Missions Cho Y., Miura Y. N., Sugita S.
An in situ K-Ar age determination instrument has been developed. Our system measures K and Ar with the LIBS and QMS techniques at the same laser irradiation spot on a sample. We report our first age determination results using our breadboard model.
An In-Situ Rb-Sr Dating and Life Detection Instrument for a MER+ Sized Rover: A MSR Precursor Anderson F. S. , Waite J. H., Pierce J., Zacny K., Miller G., Whitaker T., Nowicki K., Wilson P.
We describe a Mars in situ life detection and geochronology mission that will triage and validate samples for MSR on a MER sized rover that is technically feasible for the 2018.2022 timeframe.
Miniature Nuclear Spectrometers for Measuring Surface Composition and Near-Surface Composition Stratigraphy Lawrence D. J. , Peplowski P. N., Elphic R. C., Goldsten J. O., Tyagi K. T.
We describe mature nuclear spectroscopy instruments for in situ compositional stratigraphy measurements, which can be accommodated within resource-constrained missions as they are low-mass, low-power, low-data rate, and are operationally simple.
Magnetic Susceptibility Meter for Planetary Regolith Composition Studies (MSM) Kohout T., Britt D., Cuda J., MSM Team
MSM instrument is designed for in situ regolith composition studies and for detection of space weathering products. MSM is currently under a one-year assessment study for the MarcoPolo-R asteroid explorer (ESA) and has been proposed for the Lunar Lander (ESA).
Beyond RNA and DNA: In-Situ Sequencing of Informational Polymers Carr C.E., Ruvkun G., Zuber M.T.
Semiconductor sequencing and nascent nanopore sequencing enable in situ sequencing of RNA, DNA, and non-standard informational polymers. This can help bring high sensitivity and specificity to the search for life on Mars, Enceladus, and Europa.
Phase Contrast X-Ray Micro-Imaging: A Potentially Powerful Tool for In Situ Analysis and Sample Return Missions from Mars, Asteroids, Comets, and the Moon Hu Z. W.
With high resolution and sensitivity, X-ray phase contrast micro-imaging is a potentially powerful tool for in situ analysis of a variety of samples and sample return from various planetary bodies. The technique and capabilities are discussed.
Characterization of Planetary Surface Materials by In Situ Laser Raman Spectroscopy Wang A., Lambert J. L.
In situ laser Raman spectroscopy provides molecular information of major, minor, and trace phases in geological targets, and detects organic species and biomarkers. A model developed for flight, MMRS, has high TRL and was tested successfully in field.
Attitude Sensing System Using Photodetectors Tokutake H. , Kuribara M., Yuasa Y., Tanimoto K., Seki H., Suzuki T.
Attitude sensing system using photodetectors was developed. The algorithm is formulated theoretically, and a method for improving precision using rate gyro outputs is described. The proposed system can be applied for many missions.
Micro-XRF: Elemental Analysis for In Situ Geology and Astrobiology Exploration Allwood A. C., Hodyss R., Wade L.
Close-up measurements of rock chemistry are fundamental for exploration of Mars and other rocky bodies. Micro-XRF will vastly improve the speed and spatial resolution of such measurements in order to enable detailed geological and astrobiological interpretations.